The FSA Design System is a two-pronged product, serving other FSA applications, featuring a robust codebase and an ever-evolving online documentation system. The codebase consists of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript assets that allow developers to build cohesive and consistent web applications across more than 250 Farm Service Agency applications.
Problem Statement
The Farm Service Agency within the USDA designs, builds, and maintains more than 250 web applications that span more than 50 development teams and hundreds of developers. With so many different viewpoints, skill sets, and project objectives maintaining a similar look and feel is virtually impossible.
The FSA Design System approaches the problem from the standpoint that developers don’t want to think about the design, and designers don’t want to reinvent the wheel with every project. By “baking in” the look and feel into an easily downloadable codebase, that is continuously maintained and updated with new features and components, the Design System easily allows development teams to stay compliant with the latest standards and practices.
Discovery, Stakeholder Interviews (continuous), Comparative Analysis, Research, UX Strategy, UX Design, Interactive Wireframe Development, Prototype Development, Frontend Development & Scripting
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